Consent Preferences

Contact Us

Write Us
Jot us a note and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

You can contact us via the methods below

Address: 44 Randal Street, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 7EG

Email[email protected]
Phone Number: 01254 664408
Fax: 01254 53865

Opening Times

Bank Holiday Timings: 10AM - 4PM

Monday-Friday: 08:00 - 17:00 (Closed on Friday between 12:00 - 13:30)
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: Closed

Monday-Friday: 09:30 - 17:00 (Closed on Friday between 12:00 - 13:30)

Trade Counter:
Monday-Friday: 08:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Friday between 12:00 - 13:30)
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: Closed

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